
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Housekeeping Items

You may have noticed that I tweaked the template here at Little Nuances in recent days. I've been wanting to upgrade my template for quite a while so I could use widgets instead of messing with HTML coding, but I had no idea if I could re-capture the look that I've grown to love.

Turns out that it is quite easy to tweak a template on Blogger these days. In fact, ever since Google took over, making changes to a blog have become easier. You'll probably notice some minor changes, but nothing major. If you notice anything weird on your browser when viewing Little Nuances, leave a comment or drop me an email.

One more housekeeping item; I'm planning to give away one more copy of The Experience of Christmas tomorrow. If you'd like to be eligible to win, then subscribe to Little Nuances by placing your email address in the subscription box in the upper right hand corner. If you are already a subscriber, then you are already eligible to win.

The Experience of Christmas is a 31-day devotional that begins on December 1. If you want to get the full benefit from the book, now would be the time to order it through or some other venue. I know that many of you have already ordered it and I really appreciate that. Thanks for your support.