
Friday, November 30, 2007


  • Where did this week go? I can't believe it is Friday already. Maybe it went so quickly because I didn't get home from my mini-vacation at the cabin until Monday at mid-day. But it seems like life always goes into hyper-speed during the Christmas season, doesn't it?
  • Is it me, or does it seem like more people have decorated their homes for Christmas this year? With my mom still recovering from the stroke she had in July, I go to see her nearly every night and as I drive home I feel like a little kid as I look around at all the beautiful Christmas lights. I love this time of year
  • I haven't even started Christmas shopping yet, and I probably won't for another couple of weeks. If you happen to bump into a rather confused looking male who resembles the guy in my bio picture, please point me in the right direction by giving me some good suggestions about what to purchase. I usually do pretty well until I get to the bottom of my list. That's when I start to feel lost.
  • Want to read a blog post that is guaranteed to bring you to tears? Check out this post, Tough Men and Tender Romance, at Kristy Dykes' blog. Kristy is a novelist and freelance writer who just went through live-threatening surgery to remove a brain tumor and her husband Milton has been keeping her readers up to date with her progress. I don't know the Dykes family personally, but I'm praying for them. Will you join me?
  • I just heard that a church in Pennsylvania is going through The Experience of Christmas this year as a group. The church bought enough copies for every family in the church. How cool is that?
  • We have a winner in the latest Little Nuances drawing for a copy of The Experience of Christmas. Congrats to the winner!
  • Over the past few weeks, I've updated my website to include ordering information for most of the audio CD presentations of classes I've taught at writers conferences around the country. Here's a list of the CD's that are available: So, You Want to Start a Blog?, Advanced Blogging, Let's Talk Blogging, Article Writing 101, Manuscript Formatting 101, Writing for the Christian Sports Market, and Profiting from Profile Articles. If you'd like more information, please click here.

Have a great weekend everybody!