
Friday, August 31, 2007


Little Nuances turns two years old today. To be honest, it's taken me nearly this long to figure out what type of blog this is supposed to be. I knew it wasn't going to be political, since I'd already done one of those, but I did reserve the right to delve into politics, something I've rarely done. I figured this blog would be cultural to some degree and it has been, but not if the way I imagined. Instead, I'd like to think that this blog has become cultured rather than cultural, but that might just be the snob in me coming out. I knew that I wanted to talk about things I'm passionate about with the hopes that you might share my passions and quite a few of you have.

So I began to write about books that I love, and more specifically, about sections of books that I love. And I began to tell you about movies that I watch over and over, including commentary about my favorite scenes. My post about "substitute people" from the movie Elizabethtown is still one of my favorites. Sometimes I write about what I see in the routines of life. I've told you about how I was moved one day at the grocery store by an elderly couple who seemed to be in perfect sync. And yes, I've even written about sports, but not so much for sports sake, but because of the human interest stories inherent in sports.

That might just be the essence of this blog--the common human experience. I love dissecting real life, to pull it apart and see what it looks like from the inside out. I like to highlight the little guy, like Fabrice Santoro, or the guy who overcame the odds, or the guy who just wouldn't quit when everybody thought he should. An editor for a newspaper I write for once pointed out that I am drawn to blue collar people and I think he's right. In my opinion, people in the trenches tend to lead deeper lives. They aren't as concerned about things that don't matter. They are too busy caring for each other and their neighbors.

So, after two years, I'm settling in here at Little Nuances. And I'm thankful that so many of you have taken the time to leave comments, send email, or sign up to receive the updates in your email inbox. I value each one of you. And I'm looking forward to year number three.