
Monday, September 03, 2007

US Open Surprise

The mailman rang my doorbell on Saturday, which usually means he has a package for me. Problem was, I didn't order anything, at least that I could remember. Imagine my surprise when I saw that it was a package from the US Open tennis tournament website. I've ordered items from the website in the past, but I didn't order anything this year. I opened the box and here's what I found:

A friend of mine has been reading my obsessive posts about the US Open and was kind enough to have this memento sent to me. Blogs are often credited with bringing strangers together and making them friends. In my case, I think some of already established friends know me better after reader my blog. I don't always have time to tell them what books I'm into or what movies I've been watching. I can't tell you how many friend's asked me about my new bed after reading my post about my waterbed dying.

In like manner, sometimes I discover things about friends and family members from their blogs that I didn't know. A couple of years ago, I read my cousin's husband's blog (they live in Wales) and found out that my aunt, who lives in the same city in the United States as I do, was sick and in the hospital. Keeping everybody informed of everything that's going on is difficult. Having a blog as a central meeting place sort of fills that gap.

That's not to say that sometimes I wish I could blog anonymously, because it would be nice for difficult subjects. But for the most part, I'm happy with things the way they are. And I'm thankful to have such good friends who take the time to read what I have to say.