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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pre-Thanksgiving Day Thoughts

I thumbed through a recent issue of Rolling Stone magazine recently in which they named the 100 Greatest Singers of All Time. These types of lists can be so subjective that you have to take them with a grain of salt. And you have to take into account that all of us have different tastes. Elvis Presley is listed as number three of all time. Not sure I agree with that. And Axl Rose is listed ahead of Steve Perry. Seriously?

Have you ever explored Google Trends? I find it fascinating. It lists the 100 most popular searches for any given hour. As I write this, Siri Pinter is the hottest trend. I’ve never heard of her, so I clicked the link on the Google Trends page and it turns out that she is Carson Daly’s girlfriend and apparently she’s expecting a baby. How in world can that be the hottest trend? You can tell I’m getting old.

Speaking of trends, I’ve been noticing a trend in the blogosphere that isn’t all that pleasant. Several of the blogs I enjoy reading every day are receiving nasty comments that seem to be coming out of the blue. We’re not talking about people leaving nasty comments on blogs that are talking about controversial topics. But even if we were, it saddens me that civil discourse isn’t prevailing. But times are tough right now and maybe those who are hurting most don’t have any other avenue to vent. I don’t know. I just wish they would consider how damaging harsh works can be before they hit the “publish comment” button.

I’m looking forward to some time off over the next few days. I have one major deadline that I should hit late this afternoon, then I’m off to pick up the turkey and all the trimmings for my family’s Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. On Friday I’m planning to watch a little football. And on Saturday I’m driving to central Nebraska to spend the weekend with a friend I haven’t seen for a while. I should be rested and ready to go on Monday morning. Not sure if I’ll be posting again before then or not. If I don’t, have a great Thanksgiving.


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