I don’t really do memes here, but this is just one simple question (asked by Meredith Efken, whom I also know and count as a good friend). Here’s the question: “If you could write a novel about any subject, what would it be? (Just the subject–don’t give away your plot idea!)”
I’ve actually written two novels and I have an idea for a third. My first novel was about a rock star. At one point, I knew several people in bands and I was close enough to a couple of them to get a taste of the creative process they went through. I wrote a couple dozen songs and shared them with one band in particular. I even played guitar myself for a while (I wonder…should I post a picture of me with my long hair and guitar? Oh, what could it hurt?)
I wrote the rock star book over the course of one year. I rearranged my work schedule to work on my novel every Monday. I also worked on it most Saturdays. Within a year, I had completed it. Unfortunately I never found a home for it. I haven’t given up hope yet though.
My second novel was about an elderly man who was dying of cancer. I told the story in the first person and I love the way it turned out. It’s more of a novella than it is a novel and I always had visions of self publishing it. I knew that most royalty publishers would never touch it because the book includes some pretty heavy theology. I may just may make it available to download as a .pdf file here at Little Nuances one day in the future.
My third novel is about the over-romanticization of first love. I think this book has a shot to be published, but unfortunately, fiction isn’t like nonfiction—in that I’d have to write the entire book before submitting a book proposal. Nonfiction books work the opposite way. The author submits a book proposal, and if the royalty publishing house likes the book, they offer a contract (and an advance). Then the author writes the book. Since I make my living from writing, I can’t very well set several months aside to write a novel I may never get paid for. But maybe I need to set aside one day a week, like I did with my first novel, and plug away on it for a year or so.
I’m not going to tag anybody, but if you’d like to answer the question yourself, feel free to do so. Write a post and then link back to this one so I can read about your dream book(s).
Technorati Tags: writing a novel, rock star, self publishing, cancer, first love